Below, you will find any events that we have coming up! Be sure to note dates and times for our different events and we will see you there!
D-NOW is coming up quick! It will be February 7th-9th and we would love for any and all youth to sign up! Use the QR code or the button below to go to our form and sign up today to register for an awesome weekend filled with Jesus!
CBC’s Women's Conference will be on February 21st and 22nd! It will be a weekend for all women to come worship, pray and learn from a few speakers! More times and details to come soon , so stay tuned to our website and social media for all new information!
CBC’s Men’s Conference will be the weekend of March 28th and 29th! We would love for all men to come together to be able to seek Jesus and worship him as a community of men! More details will be released soon, so keep an eye out on our website and social media to stay updated!
We will be sending an International Mission team to Nicaragua! This mission trip is from June 28th-July 5th! For more information or to sing up, you can use the QR code or click the button below!